2012 Kansas Hunting Regulations Summary Online
Printed copies available in early September
Printed copies of the 2012 Kansas Hunting & Furharvesting Regulations Summary will be available at Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) offices and license vendors around the state about the first of September, but hunters can view or download the summary beginning Aug. 24 at the KDWPT website, ksoutdoors.com. Type “Hunting Regulations” in the search box or click on “Hunting” then “Hunting Regulations.”
As always, this year’s booklet contains several new regulations. In addition to changes in season dates, significant new regulations include the following:
Big game animals
Crossbows may be used during the archery season by hunters who possess a youth big game permit valid during the archery season and hunters 55 and older who possess a big game permit valid during the archery season.
In a two-year pilot project, any person with an archery or any season deer permit valid in deer management units 1, 12, 15, and 19 may use a crossbow during deer archery season, regardless of age or disability. Each person age 16 through 54 shall obtain a free crossbow hunter survey number from the KDWPT website before hunting with a crossbow during archery season.
Migratory birds
Doves shall only be taken while in flight.
Legal shooting hours for sandhill cranes are from sunrise to sunset throughout the season.
2013 Senior license exemption
On Jan. 1, 2013, hunters age 65-74 will be required to have a hunting license. A reduced-price lifetime combination hunting/fishing license or a half-price annual fishing, annual hunting, or combination annual license will be available.
Upland game
The Southwest Prairie Chicken Unit now includes that area west of U.S. Highway 281 and south of Hwy 96. The Northwest Unit includes that area west of U.S. Highway 281 and north of Highway 96 and will offer an early season, Sept. 15-Oct. 15.
Prairie chicken hunters must purchase a $2.50 prairie chicken permit before harvesting a bird this fall.
Public lands (including WIHA)
Commercial guides must have a permit, available on the KDPWT website, to guide on public lands. The permit is free and must be specific to the land where guiding takes place.
Baiting while hunting or preparing to hunt is illegal on public lands.
Only two portable blinds or tree stands are allowed per hunter.
Portable blinds may not be left unattended overnight.
Tree stands and portable blinds must be marked with the owner’s name and address or KDWPT number.
Decoys may not be left unattended overnight.
Management units for fall turkey hunting have changed to six units.
Other regulations are covered in this indispensable booklet. Download a copy as soon as it’s available or pick up a printed copy in early September.