Daily Archives: March 22, 2013

Today is World Water Day

       World Water Day Has Been Observed Every March 22nd since 1993.

World Water Day was conceived to draw attention to the growing importance of fresh water and the sustainable use of water resources. Each year a new aspect of water is highlighted. For 2013, the emphasis is “International Year of Water Cooperation”. It has been estimated that 780 million people are currently without safe water. But there are solutions. Visit http://water.org/help/?hr=waterday to find out what you can do.

Phil Taunton Awarded Volunteer of the Year distinction

The National Wildlife Federation has awarded Phil Taunton it prestigious Volunteer of the Year award for 2012 for his indefatigable efforts to enlighten people about the importance of wildlife conservation in their lives. Phil is pictured here with Larry Schweiger (right) & Steve Allinger (left). He is well known for hosting the popular “What’s In Outdoors” radio show on KVOE in Emporia. His endless efforts have involved anti-poaching legislation and his spearheading the immensely popular and important publication “Last Child on the Prairie: A Directory for Parents and Teachers for Returning Children to the Outdoors”. Phil is also on the board of directors of the Kansas Wildlife Federation.