2014 Spring Turkey Special Hunts Application On-line
Hunters have until Feb. 24 to apply for spring special hunts
Snow might be covering your block, but spring is just around the corner, and that means turkey season is on its way. Spring turkey hunters can get a head start on the season by applying now for exclusive entry into areas with limited access through the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) Special Hunts Program. While there is no guarantee of success, this special access usually means a higher quality hunt and potentially greater harvest rates. From Feb. 1-24, hunters can apply for a special hunt at ksoutdoors.com by clicking “Hunting/Special Hunts.” Following the application period, a random drawing will be held with notifications sent to successful and unsuccessful applicants vie e-mail.
This year, the Spring Turkey Special Hunts Program is offering 202 different individual turkey hunts on 23 properties. Half the hunts are “Open,” 58 are “Youth” hunts and 43 are “Mentor” hunts. The spring turkey special hunts occur on lands not normally open to public hunting including, but not limited to, wildlife areas, state parks, Corps of Engineers properties, National Wildlife Refuges, city and county parks and on private lands enrolled in the special hunts program.
Open hunts are available to all hunters with no age or experience restrictions. Youth hunts are open to hunters 16 and younger accompanied by an adult. Mentor hunts are open to youth and novice hunters accompanied by an adult mentor. Both the youth/novice and the mentor may hunt during a mentor hunt. A novice is defined as a hunter who has not hunted turkeys in the last three years. Hunts can range from one day to several days, with some open the entire spring turkey season.
To view a list of current special hunts available, visit www.ksoutdoors.com and click “Hunting/Special Hunts Information.”