
Aquatic Nuisance Species Media Kit Available

An informed, watchful public can help protect Kansas lakes and rivers against the invasion of aquatic nuisance species (ANS).  News media wanting to help outdoor enthusiasts learn about protecting Kansas waters can now download short radio and TV announcements, logos and brochures from the “Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers” website at  The tools are located under “ANS Media Kit” at the bottom of the page.     

            Zebra mussels, Asian carp and other aquatic nuisance species pose serious environmental and economic threats to the state’s aquatic resources. Aquatic nuisance species are animals and plants not native to Kansasthat can threaten lake and river ecology, harm native or desirable species, and interfere with our economy. They often hitchhike with unsuspecting people who may unknowingly transport an ANS to a previously uninfested body of water.    

For more information about ANS, visit