Celebrate National Wildlife Week! March 17-23, 2014
March 17-23, 2014
One thing that all wildlife needs, whatever they are and wherever they live, is WATER. In 2014, the theme of National Wildlife Week is: Wildlife and Water
From the mountains to the rivers to the oceans
Water is a life source for all living creatures (whether human, animal or plant) and we all depend on having clean waterways. Over the course of the week, National Wildlife Federation and its partners will highlight this connection by exploring our waterways and the wildlife that depend on them.
NWF will shed light on the connection between wildlife and water by examining over 50 different featured wildlife species across the country, from the endangered Hawaiian monk seal to swamp rabbits, whooping cranes and loons, spring peepers to hellbender salamanders, rainbow trout to walleye and blue crab to dragonflies.
There are many ways you can participate. Celebrate and experience nature with your kids,take learning outside, enjoy fun activities and games, and learn how you can take action for wildlife and water.
National Wildlife Week is National Wildlife Federation’s longest-running education program designed around teaching and connecting kids to the awesome wonders of wildlife. Each year, we pick a theme and provide fun and informative educational materials, curriculum and activities for educators and caregivers to use with kids.
For questions about National Wildlife Week, email [email protected].