Free Fishing Days First Weekend in June
Residents and visitors can enjoy two days of free fishing in Kansas June 1-2
The old adage “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” may be true 363 days out of the year, but the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) is bucking that notion for two days by offering free fishing throughout the state June 1-2 . That’s right – free – no license will be required.
Anglers must still abide by all other fishing regulations set forth by KDWPT during the free fishing weekend, but anglers normally required to have fishing licenses, those age 16-74, do not need licenses June 1-2.
New Fishing Changes for 2013
Senior Fishing Licenses
Beginning Jan. 1, 2013, resident anglers age 65-74 are no longer exempt from fishing license requirements. Residents age 75 and older are still exempt.
Residents age 65-74 are eligible for a lifetime hunting/fishing combination license at $42.50, an annual senior hunting/fishing combination license at $20.50, or an annual fishing license at $11.50 (half-price).
ANS-Designated Waters
Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) waters are defined as waters containing prohibited species such as Asian carp, white perch, and/or zebra mussels. Fish may not be transported alive from ANS-designated waters, and livewells and bilges must be drained before transporting boats from waters of the state. For more information about ANS, visit
Bait Fish
Wild-caught baitfish shall only be used on the body of water where taken, except that bluegill and green sunfish may be taken from a non-ANS-designated water and used for bait. If taken on a flowing stream or river, wild-caught baitfish shall not be transported upstream across any dam or natural barrier.
Anglers who purchase bait from a commercial dealer are required to carry the receipt for the live baitfish purchase while fishing.
Handfishing Report No Longer Required
Handfishing permit holders are no longer required to return a questionnaire about their angling activities.
Artificial Lure Definition
An artificial lure is defined as a man-made fish-catching device used to mimic a single prey item. Artificial lures may be constructed of natural, non-edible, or synthetic materials. Multiple hooks, if present, shall be counted as a single hook on an artificial lure. Regulation allows only two baited hooks or artificial lures per rod. The umbrella rig, popularly called the Alabama Rig, may only have two separate lures with hooks.
For more information, including where to fish in Kansas and current fishing regulations, and click “Fishing.”