
Friends of the Kaw’s Fall Schedule!

Mark your calendars for any or all of these fall floats and events

September 22, Saturday – Rain Garden Maintenance and Community Float, 8:30am to 1pm, from De Soto to Cedar Creek. Boat rental is waived for this float but you must RSVP on a first come first serve basis. We will meet at the De Soto Access at 8:30am.**

Sept. 23, Sunday – Kaw River Paddling Seminar at Bass Pro Shop in Olathe from 2 to 4pm. The class will highlight types of canoes and kayaks, paddles, personal floatation devices (PFDs) and other equipment that works best for floating the Kaw. We will talk about general and specific safety information on paddling rivers, and show participants how to get information on location of access ramps, Kaw water levels and reservoir releases.**

            Sept. 30, Sunday – Youth Fishing Workshop at Bass Pro Shop in Olathe from 2 to 4pm.  We will have activities for school aged youth on fishing, the Kansas River and reducing stormwater pollution.**

            October 5 & 6, Friday & Saturday – FOK Member Overnight Float from Lecompton toLawrence (bring your own boat.)  Meet at Lawrence River Front Park at 4:00pm. Must RSVP

            October 7, Sunday – 4H/River Ambassador Float – De Soto to Cedar Creek from 1 to 5pm. This educational float is geared for school aged children and their parents and boat rental will be waived. Must RSVP.

            October 12, Friday – Wild and Scenic Film Festival at 7:30pm at Liberty Hall, Lawrence. The festival tour brings together the best of Patagonia’s Wild and Scenic films in a two + hour program that leaves viewers feeling inspired and motivated to go out and make a difference in their community and around the world. Tickets are $10 in advance and may be purchased via “Donate or $12 at the door.

            November 13, Tuesday – FOK Annual Dinner and Silent Auction from 6 to 10pm at  Uncle Buck’s at the Bass Pro Shop in Olathe. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Melinda Daniels, KSU Geology Professor, discussing her research on Kaw in-river dredging. Tickets for the dinner will be $40@ and RSVP’s must be made by November 9. Silent Auction items are needed for this event so even if you can’t come you can support Friends of the Kaw and the Kansas Riverkeeper.

            ** Activity of Friends of the Kaw’s Johnson County Stormwater Grant. 

            For more information or to RSVP contact the Kansas Riverkeeper at 785 312 7200.