Glen Elder bowfishing contest July 9-10
The Kansas Bowhunters Association (KBA) will hold a carp bowfishing contest at Glen Elder Lake on July 9-10. The group will headquarter at the Boller Point Campground (take Lake Drive south out of Cawker City across causeway and then west to campground). Signs will direct archers to the area.
KBA members invite anyone who has an interest to attend. Whether you’re an expert or a beginner who wants to learn more about bowfishing, the event is perfect for all levels of experience. Members will have bowfishing rigs available for those who don’t have their own.
Bring your own food and drink and plan to camp. The KBA will serve fish and onion rings on Saturday evening. Participants will compete to see who can bring in the most pounds of carp.
The event will officially start on Saturday at 12 p.m. and end Sunday at 12 p.m. Only carp shot within that time frame will count. Archers may fish in the lake, river above and tailwater below.
For anyone bowfishing, a Kansas fishing license is required (unless exempt by law). Arrows must have barbed heads and be attached by a line to the bow.
Contact Kent Davis at 620-873-5264 or [email protected] for more information.