Kansans for Children in Nature
JOIN the Kansans for Children in Nature Today! Kansas Kids are Our Future!
On April 13, 2009, former Governor Kathleen Sebelius signed Executive Order 09-02 creating the Kansas Coalition for Children in Nature (KCCN). The KCCN was formed to foster Kansas youth’s appreciation of the outdoors.
“Kansas is blessed with an abundance of natural beauty and this coalition will work to make sure Kansas children experience all that our state has to offer,” Sebelius said. “Environmental education is the first step toward helping our children learn to protect and preserve our planet.”
The KCCN will promote outdoor learning experiences and environmental education for the young people of Kansas and provide ongoing support for these endeavors.
Subsequent to the signing of the Executive Order, Governor Mark Parkinson appointed conveners and outlined the tasks for the KCCN.
The conveners established three work groups to create plans addressing the outcomes of the identified Executive Order.
Environmental Education – formal learning experiences for children in a variety of settings.
Outdoor Experiences and Recreation – experiences that include play, recreation, exploration, etc.
Health – time and access to nature and relationships to children’s health.
The Plan was completed in the Fall of 2011 and subsequently endorsed by Governor Sam Brownback. The name of the conveners was shortened to the Kansans for Children in Nature (KCN).
The KCN Plan may be found at the website for the Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education, the host site for the Kansans for Children in Nature information. At this site can be found the following documents.
1) The KCN Executive Order,
2) The KCN Plan,
3) Governor Brownback’s Endorsement letter, and
4) The KCN Endorsement form for organizations.