Kansas Grazing Lands Coalition Schedules Two Range Schools
Adapting Your Management to a Changing Climate is the theme for the Kansas Grazing Lands Coalition (KGLC) summer range schools. The Mid-/Shortgrass Range School runs from August 5-7 at Camp Lakeside, Lake Scott, and the Tallgrass Range School is set for August 19-21 at Camp Wood YMCA, Elmdale. We have a great line-up of topics for both schools, so don’t wait to get your scholarship form returned.
The climate in Kansas continues to change – the uncertain weather, uncertain markets and diminishing wildlife species and their habitat needs are among the tough challenges facing ranchers today. This situation calls for action – rethinking your management options and strategies. The intent of the schools is to help inform decision-makers and provide them with sound grazing principles that they can take home and employ on their operations.
The 2014 registration fees – $300 per person. The fee covers course materials, on-site lodging and meals, and other related costs. Ranchers, landowners, and students may qualify for a $150 scholarship if they meet eligibility and request one using KGLC’s scholarship form. Agency staffs may qualify for $100 in scholarships. The form and more information on the Schools are available at www.kglc.org under 2014 Range Schools found in the navigation bar. Also, find the form (Word and PDF) attached. We have a new sponsor this year – the National Grazing Lands Coalition – and they are helping underwrite the scholarship program. Look for more information on the schools and sponsors to come along with the 2014 brochure.
Scholarship applications must be submitted by July 22 for the Mid-/ShortgrassSchool and August 5 for theTallgrassSchool.
For more information contact Tim Christian at 620-241-3636, or reply email.