KDWPT Hits Record Enrollment for Spring Turkey Hunting Access
Nearly 214,000 Walk-In Hunting Access acres are available this spring
Hunting for spring turkeys can have its own set of challenges, but this year, finding a place to hunt shouldn’t be one of them. Thanks to the Walk-In Hunting Access (WIHA) program offered through the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT), hunters in search of this hardy bird will have access to nearly 214,000 privately-owned acres, in addition to the state- and federally-owned wildlife areas. And accessing maps to these locations has never been easier before. Hunters can locate 2014 Spring WIHA lands by:
-Grabbing a printed copy of the2014 Spring Turkey Hunting Atlas available wherever licenses are sold
-Downloading an online copy of the2014 Spring Turkey Hunting Atlas from ksoutdoors.com
-Uploading the locations directly to a Garmin GPS Unit
-Uploading the locations to the Google Earth digital globe, or handheld device through Google Earth Mobile
Prior to accessing any Kansas WIHA properties, hunters are reminded to review the WIHA Area Rules & Information section of the2014 Spring Turkey Hunting Atlas.
Although there are no additional fees or sign-up required to access Kansas WIHA properties, hunters are still encouraged to be courteous if someone else is already using the property. All enrolled tracts are marked with WIHA signs to designate boundaries. If a tract shows on the map but doesn’t have signs, don’t access it. WIHA land is enrolled voluntarily by Kansas landowners, who may remove their property from the program at any time, for any reason. If a tract is removed, the signs will be taken down. It is up to hunters to be responsible, respectful, ethical, and safe to ensure the future availability of these properties.
For more information on the WIHA program, visit www.ksoutdoor.com/wiha.
The 2014 spring turkey season will begin with the archery and youth/disabled season April 1-8, followed by the regular firearm season April 9-May 31.
2014 Spring turkey permits for Units 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 are available online or at any license vendor through May 30.
Hunters who drew a Unit 4 (southwest Kansas) spring turkey permit earlier this year may also use their Unit 4 permit in adjacent Units 1, 2 and 5.