
New Leopold Conservation Award® program seeks Kansas nominees

The Sand County Foundation, in partnership with the Kansas Association of Conservation Districts and the Ranchland Trust of Kansas, proudly announces the launch of the Leopold Conservation Award® Program in Kansas, and is accepting applications for the award.

The award, given in honor of renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold, recognizes and celebrates extraordinary achievement in voluntary conservation on agricultural lands.

In 2015 the $10,000 award will be presented for the first time to a Kansas farmer, rancher or other private landowner who exemplifies voluntary, responsible stewardship and management of natural resources.

“KACD is pleased to participate in bringing the Leopold Conservation Award Program to Kansas because it provides a valuable opportunity to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of our agricultural landowners committed to strong conservation practices and effective stewardship,” said Jim Krueger, Executive Director of the Kansas Association of Conservation Districts.

The award program provides a visible forum where farmers, ranchers, and other private landowners are recognized as leaders committed to a land ethic. In his influential 1949 book, A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold emphasized the need for an ethical relationship between people and the land they own and manage, calling it “an evolutionary possibility and ecological necessity.”

“RTK is proud to be a partner in the first Leopold Conservation Award in Kansas,” said Bill Eastman, Chair of the Board at Ranchland Trust of Kansas. “This is a great state and this award is a natural extension of the conservation ethic that for generations has guided our agricultural community. We extend our thanks and gratitude to Sand County Foundation for their national leadership in conservation efforts and for allowing us to be a part of this inaugural event.”

The Leopold Conservation Award Program in Kansas is made possible thanks to the generous support of Clean Line Energy Partners, Ducks Unlimited, International Transmission Company, NextEra Energy Resources, Westar Energy, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, DuPont Pioneer, The Mosaic Company and The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.

The award will be presented on November 23, 2015 at the KACD Annual Convention in Wichita.

Applications for the award must be postmarked by May 29, 2015 and mailed to KACD c/o Jim Krueger, 1008 2500 Avenue, Abilene KS 67410.

For application information, please visit