Next Generation Kansas State Parks Pocket Ranger App now Available
Outdoor enthusiasts can download the free app by visiting
If you enjoy Kansas outdoors, but have trouble getting the information you need quickly, consider downloading the newly-redesigned Kansas State Parks Pocket Ranger App today.
Available for iPhone and Android devices, and now Amazon Kindle Fires, this interactive outdoor guide is the ultimate guide to exploring Kansas’s state parks. Created by ParksByNature Network™ in partnership with the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, the updated app now includes:
◊ A new user interface (UI) with a sleek, more photo-centric home screen design.
◊ Photo galleries on park description pages.
◊ A new Explore feature to optimize search capabilities, allowing a 4-in-1 search by location, activities, category, and site name.
Haven’t used the app before? You might be interested to know the Kansas State Parks Pocket Ranger app features all these and more to maximize your outdoor adventure:
◊ Educational info, amenities, maps & directions
◊ Real-time Calendar of Events
◊ News, advisories, and weather alerts
◊ Social networking and photo/video sharing
◊ Potentially life-saving Alert feature
◊ GPS Tours
◊ Advanced GPS mapping features
▪ Record trail distance and time elapsed
▪ Mark photo waypoints
▪ Recall, post or share saved data
▪ Friend Finder
▪ Built-in compass
To learn more, or to download your copy today, visit