NWTF Flint Hills Gobblers Chapter Wins Two National Awards
The National Wild Turkey Federation, located in Edge Field, South Carolina, notified the Flint Hills Gobblers Chapter from Emporia, that it will be receiving two national awards for two of the chapter’s 2014 programs. Receiving awards includes the March 15th, 2014 Women in the Outdoors Archery Day which featured 2013 Miss Kansas Theresa Vail. The Flint Hills Gobblers Women in the Outdoors members won the “Special Event” category.
The other national award won by the Flint Hills Gobblers Chapter was for “Best JAKES Event” for last year’s March 29th, 13th Annual Spring Turkey Hunting Clinic and Hunter’s Education Class. This is the largest JAKES (youth) event held in Kansas. Last year, 147 youth attended. This was the second year in a row that the Flint Hills Gobblers Chapter has won a national award for this event.
Both national awards will be presented at the 39th Annual NWTF Convention & Sport Show held in Nashville, TN, on Friday, February 13th.