Support Reauthorization of the Land & Water Conservation Fund
By Ted Beringer
The Land & Water Conservation Fund (L&WCF) is up for renewal and needs to be reauthorized to continue its valuable work after September 30th, 2015. No tax dollars are required because it is funded by a tiny portion of royalties paid by gas & oil companies for the right to drill offshore in publicly owned waters. Since its inception in 1965 by both political parties, gas & oil companies have paid for over 40,000 projects across the country. Kansas has received over $50 million for 650 projects distributed over nearly every county. Over the last five years alone, proceeds from this fund have paid for improvements in 10 Kansas state parks including: Crawford State Park, Milford State Park, Elk City State Park, Eisenhower State Park, Hillsdale State Park, Cedar Bluff State Park, Kanopalis State Park, Scott State Park, Perry State Park, and Prairie Dog State Park.
Kansas State representatives need to hear from their constituents that you favor reauthorization of the L&WCF.
Simply contact your representative by email to voice your support for the L&WCF; and, passionately encourage them to vote for its reauthorization before September 30th. Their email addresses are listed below.
Representative Tim Huelskamp:
Representative Lynn Jenkins:
Representative Kevin Yoder:
Representative Mike Pompeo: