This land is YOUR land: Tell Congress to stop attacking it
From The Wilderness Society
America’s shared public lands are under unprecedented assault from anti-conservationists in Congress. In the past few months, we have witnessed near-weekly attacks fueled by special interest lobbyists, bent on gaining access to our wildest lands in order to turn them over to the highest bidder.
Even as you read this, a vocal group in Congress—led by Representative Rob Bishop and Senator Lisa Murkowski—is working to give away our public lands so they can be logged, drilled, mined and otherwise developed. Rep. Bishop has even founded a lawmaker working group with the specific goal of taking over federal wildlands.
Today, we remind you that This Land is Your Land—and you can help defend it.
The months ahead will be a battleground for conservation as more of their measures surface for consideration in Congress. With your help, we will not be outnumbered.
If America’s lands are handed over to special interests, they’re lost forever. Your voice matters because these are your lands. Without your help, our national forests, wildlife refuges and other wildlands could be mined, drilled, clear-cut and sold off.
Tell your members of Congress to push back on the assault against wildlands—remind them that This Land is Your Land!