Time to start planning your Kaw River Float Trip!
Friends of the Kaw sponsors both private and public educational float tripsfrom April through October. They are focusing their efforts on scheduling private groups of 16 to 24 people.
The advantage of organizing a group trip is that you pick the date, time and river segment you wish to float and they bring the boats and host an educational “sand bar” seminar followed by a hot dog & marshmallow roast. There are now over 20 access ramps on the Kaw so there are many opportunities for float trips between 5 and 14 miles. If you have questions or would like to inquire about a private float select, “contact them” at their web site.
Once they schedule a group float trip, they open registration to the general public two weeks before the scheduled date. You need to check with the Kansas Riverkeeper to see if there are available canoes or kayaks for that trip, and to register. Friends of the Kaw estimates it takes about 1 hour to paddle 3 miles. Novice paddlers should not attempt to paddle more that 10 miles in one day.
If you are not interested in organizing a group float trip, check out these options to get out on the Kaw:
Kaw Valley Canoe Rental – new in Topeka!
Up a Creek – in Lawrence
Mud Kat Kayaking – in Manhattan
For other businesses that rent canoes and/or kayaks, check out the bottom of FOK Float Trips page.