Wetlands Reserve Program
Benefit the Land and Secure Your Future
Wetlands are unique ecosystems that offer an array of biologically diverse plants and wildlife. They are natural areas that are often wet but may not be wet year round with distinctive hydrology, soils, and plants. Wetlands offer valuable environmental benefits as well as financial security and alternative enterprise opportunities for landowners and communities.
“In Kansas , more than 24,000 acres have been restored or are in the process of being restored under the Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP),” said Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Acting State Conservationist Daniel H. Meyerhoff. “The benefits of these restored wetlands reach well beyond their boundaries to improve watershed health, the vitality of agricultural lands, as well as the aesthetics and economies of local communities.”
WRP helps landowners restore and protect wetland ecosystems on private and tribal lands. Landowners may select either a permanent or 30-year easement, or a 10-year restoration contract while retaining ownership of the land. More than 11,000 private landowners participating in WRP are already protecting more than 2.6 million acres of America ‘s wetlands.
Wetlands benefit migratory birds, other wildlife and plants, including species of concern and those that are listed on state and federal lists of threatened and endangered species. The program also helps restore active floodplains along creeks and rivers, aids in flood control and improves water quality by restoring environmentally sensitive, frequently flooded cropland back to permanent vegetation.
Wetland Benefits:
♦ Alternatives for areas where crops are lost to high water
♦ Increase wildlife opportunities
♦ Groundwater recharge
♦ Improve water quality by filtering out sediment
With WRP, You Can:
● Earn up to $2,600 per acre for areas enrolled in WRP easements
● Receive up to 100 percent cost share for developing wetland areas
● Turn problem wet areas into an economic return while retaining ownership and access control
● Significantly increase wildlife habitat on your property
To learn how you can participate in WRP, stop by your local U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Service Center or go to the Web site http://www.ks.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/wrp/.