Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission to Meet in Wichita
Evening public hearing session will include setting 2013 antelope and elk seasons
The Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission will conduct a public meeting and hearing on Thursday, April 25, at the Great Plains Nature Center ,
6232 E 29th St. N , Wichita
. The afternoon session will begin at 1:30 p.m. and recess at 5 p.m., and the evening session will begin at 7 p.m.
The afternoon session will begin with time for public comments on non-agenda items. The general discussion period will cover the following topics: Secretary’s remarks about agency and state fiscal status and an update on the 2013 legislative session, a report on the Lincoln Street/Arkansas River project, fishing regulations, park regulations and late migratory bird seasons.
During the afternoon session, commissioners will workshop items that were covered under General Discussion at the March meeting. Workshop topics, which will be discussed for potential regulatory action at a future meeting, include regulations covering early migratory bird seasons, agritourism, Fort Riley deer seasons, furbearer harvest, prairie chickens and public lands.
The commission will recess at 5 p.m., then reconvene at 7 p.m. at the same location for the public hearing. Regulations on the agenda for the public hearing include KAR 115-2-3, which covers camping fees; the recommendation is to establish short-term storage lots at Scott, Meade, Glen Elder, Kanopolis, and Webster state parks for patrons to store RVs between visits for a fee of $50 per month. KAR 115-4-11, which covers big game and wild turkey permit applications is being updated to reflect the addition of turkey management units from four to six. KAR 115-25-7 covers antelope open season, bag limits and permits. Recommendations include an archery antelope season running Sept. 21-29, 2013 and Oct. 12-31, 2013; a muzzleloader season open from Sept. 30-Oct. 7, 2013; and a firearm season open Oct. 4-7, 2013. The final public hearing item is KAR 115-25-8 covering elk open season, bag limits and permits. Proposed elk season dates for Unit 3 (outside of Fort Riley ): archery – Sept. 16-Dec. 31, 2013; muzzleloader – Sept. 1-30, 2013; firearm – Dec. 4-15, 2013 AND Jan. 1, 2014-March 15, 2014. Elk season dates for Fort Riley (Unit 2a) are: archery – Sept. 1-30, 2013; muzzleloader – Sept. 1-30, 2013; firearm for antlerless elk – first segment: Oct. 1-31, 2013; second segment: Nov. 1-30, 2013; third segment: Dec. 1-31, 2013; and firearm – Oct. 1, 2013-Dec. 31, 2013.
Time will be available in both afternoon and evening sessions for public comment on topics not on the agenda. If necessary, the commission will reconvene at the same location at 9 a.m., April 26, to complete unfinished business.
Live video and audio streaming of this meeting will be broadcast through the KDWPT website, ksoutdoors.com.
If notified in advance, the department will have an interpreter available for the hearing impaired. To request an interpreter, call the Kansas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at 1-800-432-0698. Any individual with a disability may request other accommodations by contacting the Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission secretary at (620) 672-5911.
The next commission meeting is scheduled for June, 27, 2013 at the Lee Richardson Zoo in Garden City.