Bicycle Trips For Kids
Bicycle Trips For Kids
By Matt Nowak
Kansas topography lends itself very well to bicycling, especially to
mountain biking, where riders can get out into the fields and woodlands on
old roads and trails. Trips For Kids is a national mountain biking program
for school-age youths that is supported by major corporations that provide
new bicycles, helmets, first-aid kits, energy bars, etc. to new TFK
chapters. Get your kids outdoors on bikes by forming a TFK chapter in your
community. Any service club, school district, city, youth center, church,
youth groups like scouts and 4-H, etc. can form a new chapter by contacting
Trips For Kids, And communities can benefit by conducting bicycle activities and events by drawing more people into town. Mountain bikes are a great way to get to a local fishing hole, too.