Kansas Posts Hunter Education Class Schedule Online
Wildlife and Parks Posts Hunter Education Class Schedule Online
Wildlife and Parks Posts Hunter Education Class Schedule Online
Missouri River Corridor Cover Crop Initiative Funds Available for 4 Northeast Kansas CountiesSalina, Kansas, July 12, 2012—Eric B. Banks, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State Conservationist in Kansas, announced that applications are being accepted to support cover crops planted on lands damaged by the 2011 flooding along the Missouri River to assist producers in controlling erosion and building organic matter. Eligible areas are land affected by the Missouri River flooding in Atchison, Doniphan, Leavenworth, and Wyandotte Counties. Producers may apply for the funds through July 27, 2012, and funds must be obligated by August 10, 2012. Kansas received $125,000 for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Missouri River Corridor Cover Crop Initiative for cover crops and associated practices to address the damaged areas. The EQIP helps address the unique circumstances and concerns of socially disadvantaged, limited resource, and beginning farmers and ranchers who have natural resource concerns that need to be addressed on their land. Qualifying Kansas producers compete separately and receive higher payment rates. For more information visit the Kansas NRCS Web site www.ks.nrcs.usda.gov/programs or your local U.S. Department of Agriculture Service Center. To find a service center near you, check in your telephone book under “United States Government” or on the Internet at offices.usda.gov. Follow us on Twitter @NRCS_Kansas. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. |
Jim Gerrish, well-known Idaho rancher, researcher, grazing educator, author and co-founder of the Missouri Grazing School, will deliver two 2-day workshops in Topeka and Hays, Kansas in August. Each workshop will be tailored for the grasses, forages, rainfall, growing conditions and grazing potential in that area of the state.
The workshops will be held:
Monday-Tuesday, August 13-14, 2012,
at the Ramada Inn, 420 SE 6th St. (Lower Level Meeting Rooms)
Topeka, Kansas
Wednesday-Thursday August 15-16
Whiskey Creek Restaurant West Meeting Room,
3203 Vine St., Hays, Ks.
The workshops will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 5:00 p.m. each day. The workshops are made available by a grant award to the Kansas Rural Center from the USDA Risk Management Agency. Kansas Farmers Union, Kansas Grazing Lands Coalition, and Kansas SARE are joining KRC as co-sponsors
Registration fees, which include lunch and beverages, are $80 per individual for each workshop; and $50 per workshop for students (high school or college). Please register for food count by August 8.
You are responsible for your own hotel or motel reservations. The Topeka meeting will be held at the Ramada Inn, 420 SE 6th, and you can opt to stay there by calling 785-234-5400 for room reservations. Hays has many options; select your favorite.
For more information contact Mary Howell, KRC workshop coordinator, at 785-562-8726 or [email protected]; or contact KRC at 785-873-3431, or [email protected].
You can also register by going to the Kansas Rural Center website and clicking onto the home page button: Jim Gerrish Grazing Workshops in August
, with the afternoon session beginning at 1:30 p.m. Waterfowl seasons will be discussed at the Public Hearing portion of the meeting, which will begin at 7 p.m.
; phone 785-271-7388. Persons with special communication needs may use the