
First ever Pre-rut Whitetail Antlerless Season Opens Oct. 12

Firearm deer hunters will have an additional opportunity to take antlerless whitetails during this special two-day season

As part of a legislative mandate last year that required the state of Kansas to open a pre-rut firearm deer season, deer hunters may now hunt white-tailed antlerless deer Oct. 12-13, 2013. This new two-day season has been designed as an effort to create additional opportunities for hunters wishing to take antlerless whitetails.

After careful consideration, several commission meetings, and input from the public, it was decided that a two-day season over Oct.12-13 would provide a unique opportunity without infringing on established traditional seasons. During this two-day season, any permit that allows the harvest of a white-tailed antlerless deer is valid during this season. Equipment and unit restrictions listed on permits will still be in effect, and all deer hunters are required to wear hunter orange.

For more information, consult the 2013 Kansas Hunting and Furharvesting Regulation Summary, or visit and click “Hunting/ Hunting Regulations.”