Lower Arkansas Basin Advisory Committee to Hold Meeting in Hutchinson
June 19, 9 a.m. at the Water Treatment Center
The Kansas Water Office‘s (KWO) Lower Arkansas Basin Advisory Committee (BAC) will hold a meeting to discuss current water issues affecting the basin area as well as the state.
The meeting will be held Wednesday, June 19 at 9 a.m. at the Water Treatment Center , 23rd and Severance in Hutchinson , KS . The State Water Plan update, committee nominations and ongoing drought will be the main focus of the meeting.
The agenda and meeting materials are available at: www.kwo.org or you may request copies by calling (785) 296-3185 or toll-free at (888) KAN-WATER (526-9283).
If accommodations are needed for a person with disabilities, please notify the Kansas Water Office at
901 S. Kansas Ave. , Topeka , KS 66612
-1249 or call (785) 296-3185 at least five working days prior to the meeting.