New Lease Rates Available for Walk-In Hunting Access Land
Whether a landowner possesses 80 or 1,000 acres,
WIHA can be an integral part of a land’s profitability
Since its inception in 1995, the Walk-In Hunting Access (WIHA) program has been making private land available for public hunting through lease agreements between the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) and Kansas landowners. This has provided hunters with access to more than 1 million acres of land not normally available while still leaving the land in private ownership.
New this fall, landowners who own or lease 80 or more contiguous acres of land can take advantage of higher rate payments and additional acreage ranges. Payment rates are often negotiable and based on the number of acres possessed, the quality of habitat, and length of the lease access period.
Land used for the WIHA program is typically Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres, but land with similar qualities and hunting opportunities, such as native rangeland, weedy wheat stubble, milo stubble, riparian areas, and wetland areas are also considered for enrollment.
Applications are accepted year-round, however landowners wishing to participate in the fall 2013 season dates will need to enroll by July 15.
For more information, including a list of current rates, contact your nearest KDWPT office or visit