Daily Archives: April 11, 2014

Willis Scholarship Application Deadline Correction

Interested applicants have until April 30 to apply

The Willis Scholarship Foundation, in conjunction with the Governor’s One Shot Turkey Hunt, invites students currently enrolled in a Kansas regent’s institution pursuing a degree relating to wildlife, natural resources, and/or natural resource management to apply for a scholarship. The application period is open now through April 30, 2014 at 7 p.m. In a Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism news release dated April 3, the deadline was incorrectly listed as June 10.
Successful applicants can be awarded $500 – $1,250 per semester, based on grade point average and the following criteria:
– Desire to pursue a career in wildlife or natural resources
– Maintain at least a 2.5 GPA, pursuing a bachelor’s degree or higher
– Commit to attending the Governor’s One Shot Turkey Hunt, providing assistance where necessary
For more information on the Willis Scholarship Foundation, Inc., and to receive an application, visitwww.centralkansascf.org/non-profit-organizations/scholarships/.

The Pope & Young Club Stands for Wild, Free Ranging North American Big Game

The Pope & Young Club is proud of the “Fair Chase” ethics they have implemented, fought for and defended since 1961. The Club and its membership steadfastly support and promote the North American Wildlife Conservation Model. This model faces a serious threat from today’s captive cervid industry. The practices of “canned” hunting, transporting and selling “farm raised” cervids threaten the very existence of North American Big Game and hunting as we know it.
The Pope & Young Club official position statement:
“The Pope and Young Club and its membership strongly condemn the killing of big game animals in artificial situations. An “artificial situation” is defined as a situation where animals are held in captivity, game-proof fenced enclosures or released from captivity. These unethical practices are often referred to as “canned hunts.” This shall be considered an unethical practice devoid of fair chase hunting ethics as the animals are not free-ranging.
These canned shoot situations present further concerns that impact the future of bowhunting. They weaken the public acceptance of legitimate fair chase bowhunting, provide possibilities for transmitting diseases, and corrupt the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Animals held, or bred and raised for the purpose of trophy harvest, in these facilities are not considered wildlife. The killing of these animals is not managed by the authority of a wildlife management agency and the killing, itself, is devoid of any values embodied by legitimate hunting.
The Pope and Young Club does not accept into its Records Program any animal taken under any captive scenarios and considers these practices extreme examples of unethical hunting. The Pope & Young Club also considers this practice unethical treatment of North American big game animals.”

Agencies Release Rockies’ Wolf Numbers

Gray Wolf. By Gary Kramer / USFWS

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), in collaboration with other federal, state and tribal agencies, is announcing the 2013 Northern Rocky Mountain (NRM) Gray Wolf Population numbers. This annual report is conducted as part of the Service’s work to monitor the wolf population to ensure that it continues to exceed recovery goals under professional state management, and no longer requires federal protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
As of December 31, 2013, there were at least 78 breeding pairs and 1,691 wolves within the NRM area. The wolf population remains well above the recovery levels identified by Service and partner biologists in the recovery plan. Minimum management targets are at least 45 breeding pairs and at least 450 wolves across the NRM area.
The report is posted online at http://www.fws.gov/home/wolfrecovery/ and http://westerngraywolf.fws.gov. The report is a cooperative effort by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Wyoming Fish and Game, the Nez Perce Tribe, National Park Service, Blackfeet Nation, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Wind River Tribes, Colville Tribe, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Utah Department of Natural Resources, and USDA Wildlife Services.